Vinh University, in collaboration with the US Embassy, will hold the 4th VinhTESOL International Conference on English Language Education on 25-26th October 2024. The conference is expected to attract many international and local teachers, lecturers, and students who are interested in teaching and learning English.  Professors, lecturers, teachers, PhD candidates, researchers, practitioners, and students in the field of English Language Teaching, TEFL, and Applied Linguistics are cordially invited to submit abstracts to the conference. For general information about the conference, please refer to the following sections. For more details, please refer to the conference website. (

1. Time and venue

Time:              Pre-conference workshop: 25th October 2024

Main conference: 26th October 2024

Venue:             Vinh University, 182 Lê Duẩn, Vinh, Nghệ An.

2. Language used in the conference: English

3. Conference themes

The Conference Committee welcomes proposals from a wide variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives, including but not limited to the following themes:

- Teaching the English language skills

- Teaching English Grammar/Vocabulary/Pronunciation

- Teaching English for Specific Purposes

- Translation and interpretation

- Technology in English language teaching and learning

- Teacher autonomy and professional development

- Assessment in English language teaching

- Culture and language education

- Applied linguistics research

- Educational policy

- Lifelong learning

- Innovations in English language teaching

4. Abstract requirements

- Maximum number of words: 300 words

- Font: Time News Roman

- Font size: 12

- Line spacing: Multiple 1.3

- Note: The abstract file should include Author’s name, Name of Institution, mailing address, email address, and phone number.

5. Forms of participation

Participants may register to present at the conference. There are three main types of proposals that participants can choose to register for:

-  A paper presentation (30 minutes: 15-20 for the presentation and 5-10 minutes for Q&A): The topic may be related to practical or theoretical issues.

-  Poster presentation (30 minutes): Poster content should be concise and easy to understand.

- Workshop (1 hour): The workshop content should focus on practical English teaching issues. It is advisable that speakers integrate activities that promote audience participation.

There is no limit to the number of presentations/workshops per individual.

6. Important dates:



Deadline for abstract submission


Announcement of decisions


Deadline for presenter registrations


Deadline for PowerPoint slides/posters submission


Pre-conference workshops


Main conference


Deadline for proceedings submission



7. Benefits for participants

- All participants will get a conference participation certificate.

- Presenters at the conference will get a presenter certificate.

- Accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings with an ISBN.

- Selected papers will be published on Vinh University Journal of Science.

- Those who take part in the pre-conference workshops will get a participation certificate signed by RELO (Regional English Language Office), U.S. Embassy in Vietnam.

8. Keynote Speakers

- Prof. Anne Pomerantz, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, USA

- Assoc. Prof. Lê Văn Canh, Member of ASIA TEFL Executive Board

- Dieter Bruhn, Member of Colorado TESOL Executive Board, USA

9. Conference tentative agenda

The conference consists of two parts: The first part is a training workshop on English teaching methodology, delivered by an expert from the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam. The second part is the main conference day, including talks/speeches by keynote speakers and presentations/workshops run by the participants (See Table below).




25th October 2024

Pre-conference training workshop on English teaching methods


- Prof. Anne Pomerantz, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, USA.

- Dieter Bruhn, Member of Colorado TESOL Executive Board, USA.

Morning of 26th October 2024


Opening ceremony

Keynote speeches

Parallel sessions

Tea break and lunch included.

Afternoon of 26th October 2024

Keynote speeches

Parallel sessions

Closing ceremony

Tea break and certification included.

10. Fees



(Before 10/09/2024)

Standard Rate

(Before 25/10/2024)



Regular rate


500,000 VND

780,000 VND

1,000,000 VND



300,000 VND

400,000 VND

600,000 VND

Vinh University faculty members

300,000 VND

400,000 VND

600,000 VND


NOTE: The fee INCLUDES lunch on 26/10/2024 and tea breaks during the conference days.


Beneficiarys account details (THÔNG TIN CHUYỂN KHOẢN)

Account number (Số tài khoản): 112000080760

Account name (Chủ tài khoản): Khoa Sư Phạm Ngoại Ngữ, Trường Đại học Vinh

Bank (Ngân hàng): Vietinbank Nghệ An

Transaction message (Nội dung chuyển khoản): Your full name + Your contact number

11. How to register

All presenters and attendees at VinhTESOL International Conference MUST register to attend the conference. Note there are different payment rates depending on when you register. In order to register, you must create an account on the conference website. You can follow this link to register: Instructions are available on the conference website.


12. Contact information

For further information please email us at or call us if you need assistance.

Technical team: +84 947 492 309

Presenter assistants: +84 904 989 862 - +84 948 287 264

Accommodation and transportation service: +84 948 907 619

Finance team: +84 948 969 255